17 Year Old Brother Ran Away and Is Living in Tent, Strung Out on Drugs.?
Question by Amanda B: 17 year old brother ran away and is living in tent, strung out on drugs.?
My little brother ran away from my parents home in Texas because he got in trouble there. He came to my house in Georgia, which my mother allowed, and stayed with me. He has now runaway from my house because I found out he was still doing drugs from a urine test I made him do. I did not kick him out, just took away his phone and internet, the next day he ran. and from what I undertsand is living in a tent in the cold somewhere in the woods. My question is what program and/or call to get him help…or get him a drug treatment program or call 911 because he is a runaway. I live in St.Marys ga and im losing sleep every night with worry.
Best answer:
Answer by justinbig9
You should call 911 and report him as a runaway! But when winter sets in, he’ll want to get out of the cold so maybe you can wait him out!
Answer by ~*Desi~*
Please please please call the police report do a amber alert or a missing persons alert
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