Are There Any Low-Cost Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Waxahachie, Texas?
Question by chanel mzz: Are there any low-cost drug rehabilitation centers in Waxahachie, Texas?
I have a friend who can’t afford to get her son into a drug rehabilitation program. I was just wondering about what other options she might have. Are there any drug rehabs out there that charge low rates?
Best answer:
Answer by sweetdollyfay
Salvation army charges nothing
contact Narcotics anonymous
Answer by cynthia v
She might want to consider bringing her son to a NA meeting. She could also apply for a grant from the government. The links below will be able to help her in finding drug rehabs as well. She should call them up, ask about their rates, and ask them if they will be willing to give her a discount or have her pay off the bills at a later date. Good luck!
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