What Are Some Pros and Cons of Legalizing Drugs?
Question by GoodbyeSunday: What are some Pros and Cons of Legalizing Drugs?
Yeah, its pretty simple, and I kinda need some help for my history project, so please help me. Why would it benefit to legalize drugs? Why not? and some examples of countries that already legalized drugs?
Best answer:
Answer by Phuc Eu
Pro: libs will be too stoned to vote
Con: libs will demand free drugs because of their incapacitating habits.
Answer by Red
Pros: Less crowding in jails, less taxpayer money going to worthless rehab programs, more taxes from the sales of said drugs, new jobs and industries in America, etc
Cons: People die of overdosing who, one way or the other, would have died anyways.
For the record, I hate drugs, I think it’s a stupid thing to do to your body, but if the government says we can smoke and drink, why can’t we have pot?
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