Marketing Campus Site to College Students?
Question by iluvmusic9: Marketing campus site to college students?
I recently redesigned the Web site for the office where I work on campus at a medium private university. It is for the alcohol and drug abuse prevention office, and the previous Web site was not very informative and most students reported never having used it. The new site contains a lot of great information, but no one knows about it yet. Do you have any suggestions for getting students interested in checking out the new site?
Best answer:
Answer by Justin D
You could put notices on the old site to go to the new site. You could also put signs around the campus to notify people at the school. Put a whole bunch so everyone sees the signs. Besides that, you really can’t do much more. Just try to make it noticed because it is possible that no one went to the old site because they didn’t know about it. So advertise wherever you can.
Answer by Match Maker
Distribute free t-shirts to the most popular kids on campus that promote your website. These people are called mavens, and they influence a large number of people in every market.
Thanks for asking,
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