How Do You Fix a Person That Is a Total Train-Wreck Failure?
Question by Unknown2014: How do you fix a person that is a total train-wreck failure?
My brother is 21 and he doesn’t do anything. He does drugs abuses my parents and there money and has no respect for anything or anyone and he refuses to do something with his life. He has no job, no car, no life. He gets into trouble with the police and my parents are about ready to shoot themselves. He is very manipulative, mean, and he takes advantage of everyone. What are some ideas of how to “fix” him so he has a life and is a good guy.
Best answer:
Answer by jay_truth
take him to a 3rd world country…see how they do it rough.
He may just need some perspective and to see how lucky he is. It worked for me.
Answer by lovechild2011
People like that don’t feel bad when they’ve done wrong,as they do not have a conscience.So I am sorry to say this,but they can never be ‘fixed’ at all.
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