Is There Any Way to Treat Depression Naturally?
Question by Katie: is there any way to treat depression naturally?
My parents won’t believe me at all and they call me crazy so I really won’t to fix it myself I guess.
Yeah, I know, I sound stupid.
Best answer:
Answer by Elaine
Fish oil. Omega 3’s. I think that’s what they are called. I have suffered deep depression for five years now, I finally went to the doctor to get diagnosed. I asked the same question because I wanted to refrain from medications I was unsure of. He said.. he doesn’t reccommend natural remedies, but he does reccommend the omega fish oil capsules. You can find them at walmart, or cvs. They are a natural balancer. I would say itlf that doesn’t help, I would seek medical attention. There are plenty of hotlines and people that will help don’t deserve to live depressed, it robs many memories, and an extensive part of your life if untreated.
Answer by kathy
start by taking a half hour walk daily,and don’t allow negative thoughts “instead say only positive things to yourself” to get you started look up positive affirmations< thats a good start...
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