Ways to Convince My Parents Not to Send Me Into Rehab?

Question by dc w: Ways to convince my parents not to send me into rehab?
Im 19 y/o I have a job, in college and have my own car that I bought with my own money, some of my friends smoke pot and often when I am around them they offer me hits for free. I almost never buy my own and never bring the stuff home or come home high out of respect for my parents and there house. My mom has been suspecting that I smoked for awhile and straight out asked me today. I told her the truth that I sometimes smoke and that its not a big deal she freaked out and basically told me im going to be kicked out if I don’t go to rehab right away. I see no reason for this, I am not addicted and it changes my life in no way. Can anyone give me some tips for calming her down? Thanks

P.S. please don’t call me an idiot or tell me im going to die from smoking pot, that’s simply not true and if you think that please do your research.

Best answer:

Answer by Jackie Chan
This is HILARIOUS. No seriously, go to rehab, it’s FUN!

Answer by happy4u
That sounds pretty difficult. It looks like her mind is made up. I don’t know what to tell you….

More Drug Rehab Treatment Options Information…

9 Responses to Ways to Convince My Parents Not to Send Me Into Rehab?

  • Chris Merrell says:

    If you stop smoking it then your parents will calm down. Quite simple.

  • S S says:

    The best way to handle this is to agree to go to rehab if she pays and that also agree that you won’t smoke pot anymore.

    She won’t send you and you will have won the arguement for good.

    People do not goto rehab for pot, she will figure that out if she calls around to find out about rehab.

    Plus it costs thousands of dollars.

  • Maicalani says:

    Tell her that as soon as your smoking pot affects your job, grades or ability to pay bills, you will go to rehab. Until then, you are doing the best you can do and feel that relaxing on your time off is not something to really be worried about. OR maybe it’s time to move out? Having a mom like that does not sound fun. Good luck.

  • Sophia says:

    Pot is not that dangerous a narcotic, as long as you don’t get addicted to other drugs. You need to calmly (And calmly is important, they won’t believe a desperate person) explain your parents how pot works, how its a part of your blowing of steam once in a while and how you rarely do it. You also need to remember that your parents have lived with a fear of anything hurting you since you were born, probably before that. Their worries are extreme, so maybe the best you can do is promise never to do it again and wait for them to understand for themselves that it isn’t as dramatic as they think. They, your mother especially, are just filled with worry and anxiety, and you need to respect that by not acting as though you take it to lightly. But, of course, never agree to rehab, that is not the place for you. If they only knew, I say.

  • mamabear says:

    No, you’re not going to die but what do you get from it? If you don’t want to go to rehab, move out and live on your own. Support yourself. You live in your parents’ house then you live by your parents’ rules. When you are supporting yourself you can do as you please. One of these days you’ll get busted and your parents will be the ones you call. With the economy the way it is, if you get busted with pot employers won’t want to hire you even if you finish college. Why hire someone who has even one arrest when there are hundreds of equally qualified people who haven’t been arrested?

  • Kevin Weisenhower says:

    Well lemme just say that your mom is just very worried about you. Everyday you see the news and somebody is dead because of being around druggies, etc. So don’t hate on your mom or anything 🙂

    If you’re responsible enough, your mom or family should be able to realize that and know that you have to make your own choices. However, you’ll still have to come to some sort of “deal” with your mom. At least promise her that you will take very little pot or only take it once in a while and also that you would come home earlier. As long as you don’t make drugs a habit in your life, I applaud you for your maturity in handling issues. Just think about your actions and work out possible plans with your mother or family that will evade going to rehab but also make sure that your parents are no longer worried about you dying or getting attacked for having drugs.

  • Britney says:

    Please go back in time and lie to you mother! You made your own bed. You should have known she would react like this. You don’t tell your parents crap like this unless A) you have cool progressive type parents which obviously you don’t or B) you are on your own and supporting yourself financially.

  • L337ish says:

    Well, one thing you can do is show her real, quantitative data that supports your argument. One of my main points when debating is the fact that no human has ever died EVER from smoking marijuana.

    Another thing I do is demand to know 1 real way that my choice to smoke Cannabis is hurting you. If she can provide just 1, true reason that you smoking is dangerous to yourself or to another human being, then maybe you should stop. But so far, the only legitimate argument is that it’s illegal. And as long as you don’t smoke around her and bring it around the house, she can’t use that an argument.

    Since you can’t be forced into rehab, let her kick you out if that’s what it comes to. This will show her that you at least truly believe in what you were telling her. And if she is anything like most moms, she will end up calling you to come back once you actually leave. But I would definitely get thrown out before going to rehab. If you went into rehab and told them you were there for pot they would probably look at you and be like “Are you serious? Because we have real drug addicts to deal with.”

  • raysny says:

    Have them read this TIME article:

    Does Teen Drug Rehab Cure Addiction or Create It?

    A recent study by NIDA showed that young people “leaving treatment use 200% more crack (many hadn’t tried it when they went in), and 13% more alcohol after they leave care. The study which was conducted at 120 treatment centers around the country, found there was no decrease at all in adolescent drug use after traditional treatment in the current system – either in outpatient, Minnesota Model, or TC treatment.”
    Recovery Options: The Complete Guide; Volpicelli & Szalavitz; pg. 217
    (check your local public library for the book)
    referencing “Teen treatment increases crack and alcohol use, doesn’t cut other use”: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Organization, Office of Applied Studies, Services research outcomes study, US Dept. of Health & Human Services; DHHS Pub # (SMA) 98-3177, 1998.

    I work in mental health, primarily with those who have coexisting substance abuse problems. I NEVER recommend AA/NA or 12step treatment/rehabs. Here’s why:

    …and worse for those with coexisting mental health disorders.

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