Are Flight Student in California Drug Tested./ for Marijuana?

Question by Bobby: Are flight student in California drug tested./ for Marijuana?
I’m a flight student in Tulsa currently and wanted to know after the legalization of marijuana in Cali, are flight students drug tested for marijuana over there and please answer in vivid details

Best answer:

Answer by Katy M
Whether or not a drug is legal for medicinal purposes does not make it any less dangerous to fly a plane (or drive a car) while under the influence.

Answer by Dr. Snark
Pilots are routinely screened for drugs and alcohol over the course of their entire career, and the laws are very strict about this. If you want to fly, you can’t use any drugs. Period. I’m sorry I didn’t give a particularly “vivid” answer, but it’s pretty black and white.

Economics of Drug Abuse — October 23-31 is National Red Ribbon Week, an initiative by the National Family Partnership to raise awareness of the impact of drugs on our communities. Man…

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