Does Any One on Yahoo Answers Know of Any One That Has Died From Coke or Crack or Have Had Problems From It?
Question by dont hate me cause im honest!: Does any one on yahoo answers know of any one that has died from coke or crack or have had problems from it?
I am very concerned for a few of my friends that are on crack! I have never done it and i dont plan on doing it either! But i have been reading online that is a very addictive drug!
All i know is they spend all of there money on that crap! And talking to them about not doing crack i highly doubt that would work! I think she has been doing crack for about a few months now mabye more!
What are some complications from crack that i could warn her about? I know u lose weight, have problems getting off the drug, i heard lung problems to!
So do u know any friends that have died or close to it or u helped get off the drug? What did they do to get off the drug did they have to go to treatment? Is there any way to just quit cold turkey?Thanks guys!
Best answer:
Answer by Kenneth C
I once responded to a apartment on a check the welfare. The neighbors hadn’t seen the occupant for awhile and were noticing a smell. We got the landlord to open the door. We found the guy naked and dead on his living room floor with his TV still on, a porno DVD menu continually looping on the screen. Death was a probable overdose. He bought a bunch of porn and a bunch of crack on a Friday and thought he was going to have a fun weekend……The police found him dead on a Thursday, what a way to go.
Answer by kahdung k
It’s very tough to break once you try it. I have know addicts and they lose their teeth, hair and brain cells. Since they get little sleep, the body tends to breakdown and premature aging. I would try treatment…..but what worked for me many years ago was having a purpose in life and went to church. I was delivered throgh devine intervention. I quit cold turkey and never had a desire again.
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