Does Drinking Certo to Pass a Drug Test Really Work?

Question by Pat Herrera: Does drinking certo to pass a drug test really work?
Hello i have a drug test today at 3 ive been clean for 4 days now been drinking lots of water i drank one packet of certo at 11 not sure if i should drink the other one right before my test or if one was enough

Best answer:

Answer by Andrea Castris
The best way is to not have done the drugs to begin with, and since it happened and Its been a while you probably already pee all out good luck and hopefully they don’t take a hair or blood test then your f ucke d

Answer by Jenny
Who are you taking your drug test with? Do you not have any friends or family who will sub for you? If you have absolutely no alternative, use the certo about an hour or an hour and a half before the test.

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