Does Prior Drug Use Disqualify Me to Become a Park Ranger?
Question by spbomb: Does prior drug use disqualify me to become a Park Ranger?
I am not looking into becoming law enforcement Park Ranger, I would prefer to start my career as interpretive park ranger. Does anyone with experience (not cut and paste google info) with the recruitment system know whether or not prior drug use will disqualify me from becoming a park ranger at a national or state level (California)? I have never been convicted, but I have used and this would definitely be something that would show up in a lie detector test if asked. No outlandish drug use or addiction, but I have experimented with two.
Best answer:
Answer by Agent 268
Experimenting with drugs doesn’t disqualify you from police if it’s been a certain amount of time since it happened.
So i don’t see why it would as a Park Ranger in California.
I was a park ranger in Canada before I joined the police service and the recruitment process was easier. Not sure how it works in California but I doubt you’d be disqualified if its been a few years since you tried drugs.
Answer by soccergirl3156
Drug addiction is very bad and harmful to your health. You should have never used drugs in the first place.
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