Can Someone Tell Me How I’m Going to Search for Addiction Treatment Centers in La Jolla, California?
Question by celia w: Can someone tell me how I’m going to search for addiction treatment centers in La Jolla, California?
My mom lives there. I have just recently gotten word from my sister that she’s gotten involved in drugs. I think this is because of the fact that my father lives far away from us and has just abandoned us recently. That really crushed my mom. I hate knowing that this is happening to her. My sister is asking for my help in searching for addiction treatment centers. How will I do this?
Best answer:
Answer by ailyn la
Check out the links that I have out below. These can help you in your search. You can also ask your sister to look through the local yellow pages. There’s bound to be a list there of the addiction treatment centers in your mom’s area. She can also take your mom to the doctor so they can ask for suggestions and recommendations and so that you will also know what kind of treatment program will be best for your mom. I really hope she gets herself treated soon. I’ll keep your family in my prayers.
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