Are There Any Charities or Groups or Organizations Thats for Drug Abuse Prevention or Awareness?
Question by May: Are there any charities or groups or organizations thats for drug abuse prevention or awareness?
I’m doing a report for my ISU about Drug Abuse and I need to list charities or organizations and what they do to help so can you please help me?
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Answer by Mike
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d.a.r.e. – Drug abuse resistance education, Barry School, Kansas City, Mo. May,22, 2008.
Abortion Cooties!
Filed under: drug abuse resistance education
I think one of my all time favorite rhetorical tics of conservative politicians is trying to convey crap they picked up in Christian right propaganda mills without really spelling out what they're talking about or where they got it—for fear of the …
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Church Promotes Unity With Health And Safety Fair
Filed under: drug abuse resistance education
… that meeting the mental and spiritual needs of individuals was just as important as physical ones. Medtech, Woodford County Health Department, Versailles Police Department, and Drug Abuse Resistance Education were just some of the groups at the fair.
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DARE program coming back to Fair Lawn
Filed under: drug abuse resistance education
D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), which was created in 1983 in Los Angeles, was designed to give students the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs and violence, according to D.A.R.E. International America. With officer-led …