I Am Looking for a Drug Rehab Center That Will Accept a Convicted Sex Offender.?

Question by phil j: I am looking for a drug rehab center that will accept a convicted sex offender.?
I have a brother that needs help with drug addiction. He is currently incarcerated and I need to help him if I can. We live in Missouri and I have tried several centers but with a sexual offense they won’t accept him. He accepted a plea bargain for jail time. He claims he didn’t do it but they scared him. I am desperate and would really like to help him find somewhere that is a free program or one he can work while he gets help.

Best answer:

Answer by Jack Ling Winter Springs High School
Try my house… (wink wink)!
Winter Springs, Florida

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Substance Abuse Dallas Places New Focuses on Pain Management

Filed under: drug addiction help centers

Substance Abuse Dallas is implementing a new opiate treatment program designed to help with pain management. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Google+ Share on LinkedIn Email a friend. Substance Abuse Dallas has emerged as one of …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Judge: Bartow mom of kidnapped child 'working on her issues'

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A Bartow County infant will remain in foster care until his mother can, among other things, address her drug addiction, a juvenile court judge said Thursday. When 8-month-old William Kaidyn Stover was kidnapped earlier this month, his alleged abductor, …
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10 Under 40 honored

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