Police, Should Parents Be More Concerned About Weed or Prescription Drugs When It Comes to Their Children?

Question by Joe B: Police, should parents be more concerned about weed or prescription drugs when it comes to their children?
In today’s society from your personal opinion, which is more popular and which should the government be concerned about?

Clearly in the past it was weed, do you believe this should remain the focal point of the governments propaganda or should they shift to prescription drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by rayven
Prescription drugs (PDs).

PDs are easily accessible in parents’ medicine cabinets and are very dangerous. A few pills can cause seizures and death, depending on the medications.

Marijuana is not known to have ever killed a human being, and the studies linking marijuana smoking to cancer is dubious at best.

Answer by Erich
prescription pills are becoming more popular. Kids either get them from their parents medicine cabinets. Other times kids will have a surgery and do not use all of their pain meds. They will often sell these to others to make a quick buck.

The problem is that these prescription pills are very powerful and if abused or mixed with other pills or alcohol can have dire consequences. I would say that pills are a more dangerous issue than weed. Weed is still a problem, but the pills are starting to take the forefront.

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