Why Is Marijuana Illegal? Like Seriously.?

Question by jacobmuryasz: Why is marijuana illegal? Like seriously.?
0 people have died from marijuana use. Billions have died from alchohol. You get much more messed up from drinking alcohol and it causes severe problems such as severe addiction. So why isn’t it just legalized already. Wouldn’t that solve the economic problems too??? And don’t give me the whole gateway crap. Bogus.

Best answer:

Answer by If Squirrels only ate cereal

Legalize Marijuana

watch this video it is called “refer madness” this was a propaganda film that was made to educate the adult populous on marijuana it seems like its a joke but it’s real.

Answer by George S
Yes the gateway crap is bogus, but it does cause significant psychological problems, I know. More probably than equivalent alcohol use.

But I don’t think that’s the reason. It was jumped on, I believe, partly out of spite for repealing prohibition. There were a lot of socialists then too who couldn’t stand not ruling other people. They were losing ground and threw a fit.

Steve — Steve talks about how the Awakenings program is helping him on his road to recovery.

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