Do You Believe Drug Addiction Has Long Term Negative Affects on Families and Relationships?
Question by louise: Do you believe drug addiction has long term negative affects on families and relationships?
I am currently doing a project on drug addiction at college. I would like to know what people think about it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but please do not be nasty thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Danielle
I dont believe its the drug addiction, i believe its the side effects of the drugs such as paranoia and the hallucinations ect that eventually put a strain on the family relationships. a person would get paranoid about his family and eventually it would drive them apart.
good luck with essay 🙂
Answer by silvervixis
Yes I do. As the youngest of four, I lost any chance of a relationship with my eldest sister due to her drug & drink abuse. I know she is fairly clean and sober now, and regrets her past – and I hasten to add, I dont hold any anger towards her – but we just dont have anything in common and no shared history in the slightest.
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