How Do I Make My Hair Grow Faster?

Question by Dakota: How Do I make my Hair grow faster?
My Hair is shoulder length, brown and curly. I cut it last year and want its middle phase to go a little faster, so my hair is long again.

Best answer:

Answer by raj
well i don’t watch the additional detail.but here’s the answer- oil,shampoo don’t use hot more solution and never trust on teleshoping.

Answer by Jess
There are myths that green tea and kelp tablets speed up hair growth. But, idk if its true, I’d like to try it.
Your hair supposedly grows up to an inch every month apparently, so in 5 month it should be 5 inches longer.
Hair growth is like weight loss, gradual and you won’t properly notice it until it is commented on or the results are drastic haha.

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