How Likely Is a Doctor (General Practitioner) to Write a Prescription Upon Request for Anxiety?

Question by Matthew C: How likely is a doctor (General Practitioner) to write a prescription upon request for anxiety?
I know that anxiety drugs are commonly abused, and my symptoms are mild. But I’d still like a benzodiazepine for when I need it. Would I be better off going to a psychiatrist even if I don’t feel like I need therapy? Will the doctor think I’m just out to get drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by djh235
If you are already seeing the doctor and he knows you then talk to him about it. See if you are bad enough for drugs or not. Only a doctor can decide that.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Forgiveness is healing at any age

Filed under: drug abuse symptoms

Less stress and anxiety keeps the blood pressure down, cuts down the symptoms of depression, and for many, lowers the risk of alcohol and drug abuse. Forgiveness is not easy to reach. Each of us has our own religious or spiritual belief about it. For …
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Denver ERs say synthetic pot spurs surge of agitated, violent patients

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University of Colorado Hospital's emergency department has taken in 20 to 30 patients in the last few days whose symptoms were apparently related to using synthetic marijuana, according to a spokesman. Denver Health … Denver Police said they are …
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