How Will I Find Drug Rehabs in Henderson, Texas?
Question by aja 3xs: How will I find drug rehabs in Henderson, Texas?
I need to do this for a friend of mine who is asking for my help. Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by cambria ld
You can take your friend to a doctor. The doctor will be able to check up on him and give you recommendations on which drug rehab he should go to. You can also check out the links that I have included below. They contain lists of the drug rehabs in the area that you have specified. If you live there as well, looking through the yellow pages will be able to give you more results. Good luck in your search!
Answer by fairydust
you can get your phone book and look up alcoholics anonomas or you can get on your computer and look up and they will have all kinds of options choose the one that says looking for treatment in your area and follow pomts
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