If Health Care Were to Be Free, How Could People Abuse the System?
Question by Nebula: If health care were to be free, how could people abuse the system?
I’m doing an essay for my english college class, and i’m just wondering: If health care was free, in what ways could people abuse the system?
I need examples/instances please! Thanks so much.
Best answer:
Answer by Brother of Justus Joex
Koch Brother and there Cons puppets do not like to all Americans have health care.
Answer by Jo
It will never be “free”.There is the first thing they are teaching you that is wrong.
Chances are, if it were government run and we were all paying for it in our taxes, it would most likely be the caregivers that would abuse the system because they would still be getting paid on either a per person or per case basis.
If it were per person, they may acquire names and submit a claim saying they treated that person when they never did.
If it were a per case basis, they could just ramp up the diagnosis and treatment plan.
On the patient side, they could easily complain of pain, get drugs (included in plan) and re-sell on street at a profit.
Since we all would be paying for it, the dishonest ones would rationalize that what they were doing was okay.
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