My Girlfriend, Our Relationship and Drugs, Help?
Question by RARA: My Girlfriend, our relationship and drugs, help?
So my girlfriend and I made a deal, or promise to stop all of our self destructive behavior, for our selves and for each other. She used to cut, and I used to drink a lot and do a few drugs.
Anyways, I had to go away for two weeks and the circumstances allowed us only communication by letters.
So when I got back she told me that she had cut herself once and she did MDMA. She told me it “Was not that great” and that if I had been there and I asked her not to do it she would have not done it because she cares for what I think.
So I decided she slipped up and messed up and I let it go, but the more I talked to my friends about her behavior I realized she was not being as honest as she let on.
Apparently, she told my bestfriend, “Not to tell him until he already knows.” I am guessing she did this because if she got the news from me I would take it easier.
Also she said it was not that great in her words, but that is not what my friends told me who were around her when she did it, she acted like she was having a good time but honestly it is freaking MDMA and who wouldn’t think it is amazing?
So here is my issue, she doesn’t want me to do drugs, but she goes and does ex. She knew I would not have been okay with it but she went ahead and did it anyways and tried to play it off to me like she would not have done it if I had said so, but she knew I would not have approved based off how she said “Do not tell him til’ I do”
So in a way, by lying to me about it, or not really lying but twisting the truth she has made it worse than if she would have if she would have just been honest.
And she knows that I do not like it when she does drugs, and its so hypocritical cus if I can’t do them then why should she be able to? Not that I want to, I hate them now.
Though I just feel kind of manipulated, like she know she screwed up but she sweet talked her way out and just bent the truth..
I feel really hurt by this but I cannot stand to tell her because I love her, I did warn her that if she gets involved in all of it, I said indirectly it would result in me breaking up with her.
So what should I do? Tell her how much it hurt me, truthfully, because I feel like an inner resentful anger building inside because of it.
I do not know what to do, help?
Best answer:
Answer by ~Secretrose~
your girl friend needs helps and you are enabling her which is not good at all…..if you love her like you say you do then you should try to get her help and tell her how you really feel……..
Answer by thethickaman
warhammer 40000, nowhere near as self destructive and twice as costly.
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