Pregnant, Abusive Relationship, Drug Addiction & No One to Talk To.?

Question by Jane: Pregnant, Abusive relationship, Drug addiction & No one to talk to.?
I am in the mess of a life time.

I am 7 months pregnant and have yet to be seen a doctor besides two short visits. I plan to go tomorrow. I have no insurance no job.

I am not pregnant with my current boyfriends child it is the child from someone i slept with right before we got together. The father is a crazy person hung up on conspiracy theory, is homeless and really thinks the government is trying to get him. He Is somewhere in California and i have no way to get in touch with him.

The guy i am with now I love very greatly we were friends before hand but he has become extremely abusive to me in the past two months and I am so confused. His father use to beat him and his mother and I fear this might just be how he is however he knows its wrong and it wasn’t like this all the time.

I am not perfect I have an addiction to inhalants and have used since i was pregnant. I want to give my baby up for adoption since i am as unfit as a mother could be but don’t kdon’thow realistic it is. My parents dont know i am pregnant. I lied to my boyfriend about where I was when I was using a couple times and got caught in my lie which is what he hangs over my head when he beats me. Also he gets drunk and swears i hit him first but this is not whats happening. I have not been drinking due to my pregnancy and can clearly remember how all these events are going down. I am sacred to tell my closest friends about how i was using inhalants and my boyfriend threatens me he is going to tell them and my parents. Today I found out my boyfriend has a profile on Fling . com which is a profile type website where you try and meet locals for sex… not just porn where you look at naked people. I feel crushed. I let him go through all my emails and facebook text and everything because i lied about using the inhalants and where i was (I was in my car by myself)

I don’t know if after i have the child and give it up for adoption if my boyfriend will go back to normal. I know its hard for him to deal with me carrying another mans child but he has not supported me at all nor given me any sympathy or anything and that’s what i need as to constantly worrying about my relationship.

I feel so lost and confused I have no one to talk to and when I tried to talk to one of my friends about my current boyfriend he came and freaked out on me. I know I need to get to a doctor but everyday its something else which drives me so emotionally crazy I put it off. I feel I know the answers but need support please online world tell me what your opinion is on my situation and if you can suggest or give me your personal story if it relates.

Best answer:

Answer by Savannah
hunney, you need to get serious help. Don’t ask for it here, call a hotline to help you, something. Go to your parents, friends, or family. Get away from your bf for the time until he understands your not a punching bag. Godhelpyou, ill pray for you. if you’d like to have a personal talk im on facebook. Savannah Kremer, age 17, i live in texas. Id love to talk to you but hun you’ve got to get out of that place go to families, or friends place and get help

Answer by jannsody
Please know that your boyfriend is abusive just as the other respondent mentioned. It is *not* your fault, and his past abuse is not an excuse for him to mistreat or abuse you in any way. Your first priority should be your health and safety, and please remember that everything you put into your body goes to your unborn child.

Here is a toll-free 24/7 helpline for those who are the target (Survivor) of domestic violence – National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Their website for more information about domestic abuse:

With regard to the inhalant use, my friend actually has a severe Brain Injury from huffing at the age of 12, now in her 30s. Please know that a fetus (or embryo) can be negatively affected by inhaling toxins which can include mental retardation or other congential birth defects.

For more general information re: (regarding) the dangers of huffing – National Inhalant Prevention Coalition:

** Please also be aware that the craving for non-food items may be due to (or in part) an iron deficiency (anemia). However, please do NOT start taking iron pills until after getting a blood test (a doctor would need to give you a lab slip) and the doctor *recommending* them. That is because too much iron in the blood can result in liver (the largest internal organ) or kidney damage.

The idea of adoption sounds like a very good option since your life is not so stable as you seem to realize.

Please be aware that if planning to leave your boyfriend (and not to cause a panic) that a woman (or man – depending on the situation) is at the highest risk of injury or violence when she (or he) is separating or divorcing a partner.

Here is another website that has more info and resources about domestic violence, and *please* utilize those resources (and support from friends and/or family):

It is also *crucial* to see an ob/gyn to get a check-up of your baby.

You deserve to be treated with dignity and respect!! Please take the next step and take control of your life by making good, healthy and safe choices for both you and Baby.

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