Prisons – a New Form of Slavery


Prisons – a new form of slavery – More at Kathy Kelly: None of the three best known candidates are dealing with the issues facing the poor.


19 Responses to Prisons – a New Form of Slavery

  • franco antonio gonzalez fortunatti says:

    el problema que para combatir el crimen hay tomar? medidas profundas, como son vigilancia comunitaria e integrar a presos a sociedad, reabilitandolos

  • Mussepryglaren says:

    I hate? it how stupid journalists show pictures of water coolant towers whenever they want us to visualize pollution. Look out everyone, the evaporated water is going to kill us all.

  • IntelArt says:

    The government must cleanse bad society keeping criminals off the streets? so the business criminals can make money off the system… It’s ALL about the system…

  • toxic8200 says:

    But when people get something out of it like in Chicago? during the recession they begin to turn a blind eye all the time

  • 1GangRelated2 says:

    The little man who commits crimes should be punished.
    The big man who commits crimes should Also be punished.
    People have had? enough of these double standards.

  • Tamas Knecht says:

    agreed…? and i did my time…

  • ChristianMarxist says:

    Its sad in Florida you can not even get a job at Wal-Mart or become a garbage man due? to EPA laws.I cant blame felons for what they do ,it seems like its the best route for most of them .

  • niccrant says:

    shackled and chained under slavery? get over it blacks were not only the slaves in history. jews have been slaves for years in thepast and they did really will, not blaming others. Plus your IQ don’t determin you? self going to jill, its you who break the law that do that. God Dame it, stop blaming others and except responsiblity for what you did to get your self there in the first place. So get over it, it happen to your ancestors not you so the gravy train is gone get a life

  • 1967welder says:

    the LAW is manipulated to suite the goverment big money ,we have mother and fathers inprisoned for not paying CHILD SUPPORT how the hell is that a crime not right but still not a crime people need to wake up and see that it is so easey to become one you go fishing without a lic. you are a criminal. dont pay your taxes yep you got it taxes were a war time deal social security we are giveing it to who ever dont matter if you earned it or not? but dont pay a ticket and see what happens it bullshit

  • jodyrea says:

    “High horse” you are hilarious … gallows humour I expect. It goes along with the whole philosophy of the criminal justice system. Who do you blame for those whom were shackled and chained under slavery? You “have” worked in the criminal justice system. I am? truly sorry for your apparent loss. You were given a gift and ignored it. So sad.

  • niccrant says:

    shackled and chained you were never so het off your high horse and face it you have no one to blame but your self. I have worked in the criminal department of justice and? ebver time yoou blame one one person excep the one who should be No one forcede you to do it so get over it..

  • jodyrea says:

    What ivory tower do you? live in? Please educate yourself look at the demographics and racial minorities ratios versus populations … it is easy to talk like that until you have been shackled and chained just because and no I do not have a criminal record, Lest we forget.

  • niccrant says:

    they break the law? because the think they will get away with it and their parents have not thought them right from wrong. stop blaming your colour for your acyions it getting real old in todays society..

  • niccrant says:

    they are not singled out take responsibility for your actions no matter black or white. The rob? or kill so they shout not do the crime..if you cannot do the time don’t do the crime…

  • michaelispan says:

    My long? time, good friend, Dennis is still a American hero.

  • michaelispan says:

    My? long time, good friend, Dennis is still a American hero.

  • jodyrea says:

    Because they are criminals my ass, perhaps they are just interfering in the process of Peter stealing from Paul – do not bite that had that feeds it will lead back to your own door… Lest we forget – justice ….if you have not noticed it has? become a a crime to think – thats why all the morons that can’t are walking loose…. spit … who’s is enforcing universal laws and she is getting mighty pissed

  • 32oz says:

    That analysis is too simple. Assuming a fair legal process, which is a an incredible assumption. Have you considered why they are more? likely to break the law. There is systematic injustice at work. Don’t take my word for it, do search.

  • niccrant says:

    They are there because they broke the law. the same would happen to us. plus you are? there with no rights…

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