Question for People Who Have Their Medical Marijuana Card?
Question by Preston: question for people who have their medical marijuana card?
How did you go about getting i? I suffer from depression, OCD, and very bad anxiety are these reasons to get a card? i would most likely be getting the card in Oregon.
Best answer:
Answer by jasin
Doctors who prescribe the stuff should lose their licenses. Its already been proven that such doctors are just merely drug dealers with a license. The fact that the stuff is being prescribed for just about any medical condition under the sun proves that. Come on, these are not patients with glaucoma!!
In states like California this is especially true. Just about anyone with anything; a bad back, mild depression, hay fever, etc. can get it prescribed. Now come on, anyone with two bits of common sense knows marijuana is not some kind of miracle cure; its not a cure all treatment for anything that ails you. Use your brain!
Those people with the so called medical problems are just really potheads anyways. I see them on the city bus and elsewhere barging all the time about how easy it is to get a so called green card. No one even takes this stuff seriously. Its a total scam!! An end run around obeying laws that have made the buying, selling, and use illegal.
I hope the DEA does more enforcement because these people are not getting medical treatment they are just getting high. The DEA can arrest these people too; they can arrest the doctors, growers, and patients all. It is still illegal under federal laws!! And the states cannot override those federal laws legalizing the stuff for medical use. see: Article VI, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution.
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