Sylvia Reynolds – Symptoms of the Disease of Addiction – Drug Rehab Scottsdale


Sylvia Reynolds – Symptoms of the Disease of Addiction – Drug Rehab Scottsdale – The Clinical Director of A Better Today discusses the different symptoms of the disease and behaviors that are associated with addictio…


Treating addiction like other diseases

Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction

“It just changes the way the brain works, it changes the same way the pancreas changes when you're obese and you stop producing insulin, what causes diabetes; it has a very similar impact, yet with all of these types of things, this disease of …
Read more on The Recorder


Michael Jackson Lawsuit: Choreographer Says Singer Appeared 'A Little Loopy

Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction

Under cross examination, Payne acknowledged that some of Jackson's behaviour, including grogginess, lethargy, insomnia and occasional paranoia, were possible symptoms of prescription drug abuse. He also said that despite testifying earlier that he …
Read more on Huffington Post Canada


From Twitter:

RT @ABC7Courts: Payne saw MJ tired and fatigued. He agreed that those symptoms could be signs of drug addiction. – by EL9991 (EL999)


From Twitter:

RT @ABC7Courts: Payne saw MJ tired and fatigued. He agreed that those symptoms could be signs of drug addiction. – by lyn_bad (Ly?)


From Twitter:

RT @ABC7Courts: Payne saw MJ tired and fatigued. He agreed that those symptoms could be signs of drug addiction. – by a7tinkerbell (Rhonda Revercomb)