Pestilence : Deadly CRE Super Bug Sweeping Across America Resistant to Antibiotics (Mar 06, 2013)
Pestilence : Deadly CRE Super Bug sweeping across America resistant to Antibiotics (Mar 06, 2013) — SOURCE: News Articles: Doctors Warn of New Stomach ‘Superbug’ Hitting U.S.… ‘Super bug’ will …
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Iaz With a Stop in the Mean’s Drug Store in Brookville PA for Leg 29
Iaz with a stop in the Mean’s Drug Store in Brookville PA for Leg 29 — Iaz with a stop along Leg 29 in the Mean’s Drug Store in Brookville PA.
Calendar for March 21
VISITOR: D. Colin will share the story of Sojourner Truth as part of the League… Continue reading
PTSD : The Biomarker Neuroscientist Dr. Apostolos Georgopoulos in Minneapolis VA
PTSD : the biomarker neuroscientist Dr. Apostolos Georgopoulos in Minneapolis VA — educate yourself, and keep asking where is the further studies of this. Since gaining c-p…
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UK Newspaper Apologizes for Trying to Legalize Pot?
Question by Obama – Wimp in the White House: UK Newspaper apologizes for trying to legalize pot?
Record numbers of teenagers are requiring drug treatment as a result of smoking skunk, the highly potent cannabis strain that is 25 times stronger than resin sold a decade ago.
More than 22,000… Continue reading
Drug Use Help for My Daughter?
Question by Helpinglife: Drug use help for my daughter?
My oldest daughter (17) has been trying to experiment with drugs for the past few months. I’ve noticed when she is home alone certain inhalant objects seem to disappear into her room (hair spray- nail polish- white out- sharpies) what should… Continue reading
To Kill a Mockingbird News Article Help!!?
Question by Veronika S: To kill a mockingbird news article Help!!?
task: so im a journalist for a big shot newspaper and i have to create a feature news article about an event that took place in a small U.S. town during the 1930s i choose to do Morphine Addiction… Continue reading
Can Someone Help Me With a Project?
Question by Caalab: Can someone help me with a project?
So… I have to do a project for school about a drug. The day that we assigned the drug we had to do I was sick, so I got stuck with the drug Heroin. The assessment is to make a… Continue reading
Do Drugs Cause Addiction?
Question by Bradley R: Do drugs cause addiction?
Do you believe that sufficient exposure (which varies for each person) to addictive drugs like cocaine, heroin, morphine will inevitably produce addiction in people? Why or why not?
by exposure I mean if someone takes the drug enough times, will they inevitably… Continue reading
A Question Regarding “Conceptual Albums”?
Question by Rikkitikkitavi: A question regarding “Conceptual Albums”?
What is your favorite concept album and what was the concept of that album?
Best answer:
Answer by Bending the Skies
‘The Human Equation’ by Ayreon.
A man falls into a 20-day long coma after getting into a car accident. During these… Continue reading
Do You Think It’s Right That People Can Blame Their Cheating Ways on “Sex Addiction”?
Question by Sky: Do you think it’s right that people can blame their cheating ways on “sex addiction”?
There are seriously people inn rehab for sex addiction! What a load of bull! Read this article about Sandra Bullock’s husband:
It’s as if they are trying to compare themselves to… Continue reading