What a Horrific News! Is the FDA Extending Warnings?

Question by warning2Dpublic: What a horrific news! Is the FDA extending warnings?

Best answer:

Answer by andian
“Astonishingly, half of all clinical trials ever completed on the medical treatments currently in use have never been published in the medical literature. Trials with positive results for the test treatment are about twice as likely to be published, and this applies to both academic research and industry studies
The Industry Doesn’t Pay for Negative Results

“It’s old news that drug companies essentially “bribe” doctors into prescribing their drugs by lavishing them with gifts – branded pens and coffee mugs, free lunches, golf outings, “educational” trips to the Caribbean …
Publication Bias: The Hidden Systematic Flaw in Medicine

Answer by T
The FDA is in the back pocket of big industry. That would also be why we have fluoride in our water. Not because it prevents tooth decay. Because the aluminum and fertilizer industry needs a way to dispose of their toxic waste. U.S. water fluoridation began in 1945 and continues today, despite the fact that the FDA has never approved it.

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