What Are the Symptoms of Drug Withdrawal?

Question by chuck taylor: What are the symptoms of drug withdrawal?
We have this assignment about drug addiction and I just want to ask another question. What are the symptoms of drug withdrawal? I’m having a hard time understanding this part. Please help me. I’m almost done with my homework. It’s the only part I haven’t answered yet. Thank you so much.

Best answer:

Answer by Monica L
The symptoms of drug withdrawal depends on the type of drug abused by the person. Usually, the withdrawal effects are the reverse of the pharmacological effects. The most common withdrawal symptoms include vomiting, pain, anxiety, mood swings, craving, restlessness, diarrhea, irritability and sleeping problems. The withdrawal is a very critical part of fighting addiction that’s why people experiencing it must be really taken care of.

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Drugs abuse: faces before and after; addicted condition – Drugs can damage your health and body very hard. SAY NO FOR DRUGS!


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