What Causes Food Addiction?


What causes food addiction? – Q: What causes food addiction? A: Brain chemistry Courtesy of: http:/addictionblog.org TRANSCRIPT: Although researchers are unsure of the exact cause and nat…


How cravings for food can be as bad as drugs: Food addicts get high after

Filed under: food addiction help

'There is growing evidence high fat, high sugar foods have some addictive qualities and this survey suggests slimmers feel trapped by food cravings, aggressive marketing and easy availability of less healthy foods. 'The real … Added Dr Stubbs: 'The …
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So Bad It's Good: Why We Love to Hate-Read

Filed under: food addiction help

The origins of the term “hate-reading” are unknown, but in 2012, Katie Baker dissected her passion and addiction for it. “When I finally walk away … “I'm slightly nauseated, but still can't help licking my fingers for more fatty flavor.” It seems …
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The Case for Decriminalising the Use of Drugs

Filed under: food addiction help

Addiction can have devastating consequences. But addiction comes in many forms, such as drugs, gambling, sex, and food. The victims require help and understanding. Severe punitive measures and stigmatization make rehabilitation more difficult. People …
Read more on AllAfrica.com