Why Are Drugs So Hard to Quit


Why Are Drugs So Hard to Quit – Quitting drugs is hard because addiction is a brain disease. Your brain is like a control tower that sends out signals to direct your actions and choices. Ad…


Arts Listings

Filed under: drug addiction helpline

Nar-Anon is a self-help support group for anyone affected by a loved one's use/abuse of drugs. The group meets every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the basement lounge at The-Church-In-The-Gardens, 50 Ascan Ave., Forest Hills. Call 1(800) 984-0066, or visit …
Read more on Queens Chronicle


First-Ever 'Quit While You Can' Cessation Program Targets Teen, Young Adult

Filed under: drug addiction helpline

Quit coaches will help teens recognize their addiction to tobacco and provide assistance in quitting. Over-the-counter medication and other drug therapies will not be advised or made available to tobacco users under the age of 18 through THE CIGNAL.
Read more on 4-traders (press release)


It's a holy helpline as Pope calls up his flock

Filed under: drug addiction helpline

It's a holy helpline as Pope calls up his flock … Police in Greece are looking for a drug-smuggling gang who abandoned a 1,800lb (830kg) stash of marijuana on a southern beach. …. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
Read more on Irish Independent


Time to Walk the Talk

Filed under: drug addiction helpline

News media coverage of drug problem, particularly violence associated with drug dealing, suggests that society is handicapped without the involvement of police community partnership. Joseph Reddy, General Manager , Administration and Facilities, …
Read more on Planet Powai